Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bizarre Phone Call

A woman called the restaurant today and when I answered she told me her story.

CrazyLady: Hello, my name is Mrs. Smith and I was reading online that you have a patio, is that correct?
YourServer: Yes Ma'am that is correct.
CrazyLady: My family and I are in town because my mother is in the hosital.  I have a 16 year old pomeranian that is with us because she is very fragile.  We bring her everywhere with us in a baby carriage.
YourServer: (This is quickly becoming one of the strangest things I have ever heard. Is there a point to this story?)
CrazyLady: What I am wondering is if we can bring her with us to dinner if we sit on the patio. 
YourServer: Well, we can't have dogs on the patio because it is against health code, but there is a grassy lawn very close to the patio, and as long as she stays over there it should be fine.
CrazyLady: She's 16 years old! She can't be by herself, we need to watch her!
YourServer: (This is a dog we're talking about right? What the hell?) Well, I'm sorry Ma'am it really isn't my choice.  It's against health code.
CrazyLady: Well that's just ridiculous! (Hangs up on me)

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